As a donor, you can choose to make a one-time or monthly gift. Your gift helps house, feed, clothe, & educate the residents of the Selam Center. Your donation is a symbol of your solidarity with & compassion for this vulnerable Syrian community. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.
Donations are currently being accepted by direct bank transfers. Secure options for online donations are currently being pursued & will be made available as soon as possible.
If you wish to make a donation by direct bank transfer, please utilize the following information...
Bank Name:
Ziraat Bankasi
Bank Branch:
Şube Adı
1904 Değirmiçem/Gaziantep Şubesi
NGO Name:
Selam İnsanı
Yardım Yardımlaşma VE Dayanışma Derneği
Soft Code:
IBAN Numbers:
$: TR920001001904774382985002
€: TR650001001904774382985003
TL: TR220001001904774382985001
£: TR 380001001904774382985004